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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Coupons and Healthy Living

Hello everybody! This is my very first post as a couponer who blogs! I have other blogs, mostly food oriented... In my search for a more wholesome life I went from blogging about baking desserts and stuffing your face with sugar to an organic/healthy/gluten-corn-sugar free lifestyle... then I came to the realization that I would have to choose between buying underwear or organic products which led me to looking for online jobs... that hasn't really gone very well... and our bills have just been consuming us! So... in my search of looking for ways to help my wonderful, amazing and hard-working husband I came upon coupons... Yes... it was a whole new concept for me... I am not a "stocking" person... I do see the points that people who buy piles and stacks of stuff make... kudos to them! My approach I would say is way more conservative than that... I live in an apartment where there's not much space for piling up stuff... that's fine with me ... I don't want to become a hoarder and I live with a person who has a compulsion for getting rid of stuff and he CAN NOT tolerate "hoarding" even in the slightest/most frugal/purposeful way... So I knew there had to be something I could do! I headed to my local library and got a bunch of books on couponing, etc... and I realized that there are great tips out there... really great ones! But I felt very confused when all these frugal people give you tips on "how to choose diamonds" or how to save money by choosing a brand of makeup over another and I realized that I was even more frugal than they are... for it's been a long time since I last bought a lipstick even! I am not complaining... I am just sharing that those books were helpful and motivated me to start my own search and gave me the idea of sharing my own experiences and findings with those who are on the same boat... already on a tight budget... and at the same time trying to keep it to what's necessary and hopefully what's mostly healthy. I want to be a good administrator of the resources God's given us... It's all HIS in the end. I don't want to become a compulsive buyer, obsessed all the time over pennies and cents when HE is my provider but I do want to feel that I am doing my part to make things easier for us here in the family and that I am using my skills towards our food buying, cooking, etc. That's what my blog will be about... Taking advantage of sales and coupons that make sense for our healthy/frugal/non-storing family... while still keeping in mind that my hope and provision always comes from Him!

So... get ready because I will be sharing coupons and great offers/deals here... I will also share recipes and tips on how to use the healthy food products that I love and enjoy and also of the items that I find, review and that I think they might not be as healthy but I will still share it here in case anybody else still wants to take advantage of it... I will not judge nor condemn you! I think it's ok and convenient to buy some items like these especially when you have guests at home, you're living on a tight budget and you cannot afford to feed everyone organic stuff ... I think we can still get some of those other items and donate for a charity/food pantry...  I  don't even buy everything organic for ourselves... would love to but CAN'T... for those times then we just have to pray for God to bless our food, we try our best and trust God with the rest!

Join me in my journey towards a less expensive but still healthy life!
